Well it has finally come to attention that Zombie Mode will be in Black Ops (like i mentioned in a previous post). Today, in CVG’s sneak peak at Black Ops’ Strategy Guide, an interesting line was discovered:
“a complete walkthrough to the gritty Cold War-era Campaign mode, tips and tricks to rank up in Multiplayer, how to excel in Co-Op, or fight back the relentless Nazi Zombie horde” – BradyGames Black Ops Strategy Guide
This shows that zombies are back, and also that Zombies isn't the exclusive co-op mode that the Black Ops Dev team has been talking about. So apart from Zombies' mode, there will also be another top-secret Co-op mode! The maps have been re-worked to play on the Black Ops' game engine, and will be playable as one of the multiple co-op modes.